About Ultrasound (US)

Diagnostic ultrasound, also called sonography or diagnostic medical sonography, is an imaging method that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of structures within your body. The images can provide valuable information for diagnosing and treating a variety of diseases and conditions.

Most ultrasound examinations are done using an ultrasound device outside your body, though some involve placing a device inside your body.


Approx 30-45 MINUTES, including prep time

Why is Ultrasound Used?

Ultrasound imaging has many uses in medicine, from confirming and dating a pregnancy to diagnosing certain conditions and guiding doctors through precise medical procedures. (WebMD)

Pregnancy. Ultrasound images have many uses during pregnancy. Early on, they may be used to determine due dates, reveal the presence of twins or other multiples, and rule out ectopic pregnancies. They also are valuable screening tools in helping to detect potential problems, including some birth defects, placental issues, breech positioning, and others. Many expectant parents look forward to learning the sex of their babies via ultrasound midway through a pregnancy. And later in pregnancy, doctors can even use ultrasounds to estimate how large a baby is just before delivery. (WebMD)

Diagnostics. Doctors employ ultrasound imaging in diagnosing a wide variety of conditions affecting the organs and soft tissues of the body, including the heart and blood vessels, livergallbladderspleenpancreaskidneysbladder, uterus, ovaries, eyesthyroid, and testicles. Ultrasounds do have some diagnostic limitations, however; sound waves do not transmit well through dense bone or parts of the body that may hold air or gas, such as the bowel. (WebMD)

Use during medical procedures. Ultrasound imaging can help doctors during procedures such as needle biopsies, which require the doctor to remove tissue from a very precise area inside the body for testing in a lab. (WebMD)

How to prepare for US

Some patients will need to drink a lot of fluids before their test. Some patients are asked to stop eating. The helpful team at Silicon Valley MRI & CT (and your physician) will explain the steps you need to take before you complete your test.


Ultrasound is generally considered to be safe as long as technicians follow the specific guidelines set out in their training. The ultrasound technicians at Silicon Valley MRI & CT have all completed the necessary training to effectively follow these guidelines


The results of your exam will be provided to the physician that referred you to Silicon Valley MRI & CT in approximately 24 hours. We only provide these results directly to your physician so that they can assist you to clearly understand the interpretation provided by our radiologist.